An ambient action-adventure game featuring stylized pixel art, reflexive gameplay, and immersive sound design. Playable demo available at

About The Game
You wake up on a strange planet, inhabited by hostile aliens corrupted by a sludge-like substance. Explore the floating island environment to find clues about what is causing the corruption of this otherwise peaceful land.

Environment Design
Inspired by top-down retro games like Zelda and Fire Emblem, Monastery's environment was designed to evoke a sense of mystery and melancholy - wispy sprites fluttering in the wind, streaks of light shining through the forest canopy, and dense clouds orbiting the surface.

Technical Design
To aid in asset creation, many sprites were created by first modeling them in 3D, then applying cel-shading and pixelation post processing effects. This allowed me to render multiple angles of an object, then implement those sprites in a Unity script to allow programmers more flexibility with level design.

3D background with custom water shader

Adjustable log script

Procedurally generated rocks

Procedurally generated tree
Pixel Art
Created in ProMotion NG