Objective: Create promotional graphics for Mura Masa and DJ_Dave's performance at the annual Conquest concert, hosted by the University of Southern California.
Requirements: 3D busts of each artist's head, to be shattered in a physics simulation and rendered for delivery.
Outcome: Successfully conceptualized, created, and delivered 3D graphics for use in promotional material advertising Conquest and on-stage visuals while artists performed.
Team: Andy Cepollina, Eloise Kabbaz-Szabo
Role: 3D Modeler, Shading + Texturing, Physics Simulation

Using a series of reference images, the faces were sculpted in Blender and appended to the base of a bust (bust model provided)

In order to simulate a worn marble surface, a procedural shader node system was developed. The result allowed for on-the-fly modifications to the fine details: colors, frequency of swirls, surface deformities, etc.

Once the preliminary work was taken care of, we began the trial and error of physics simulations. Below are some of the results in which we experimented with different modes of shattering the head.